We had some basic guidelines, but turned Luc loose to answer these four questions: who is in his family; what is (are) his favorite food(s); what is his favorite book; and, what is his favorite movie. Much preparation was involved, including a trip to Target to purchase some glitter glue and stickers. Once home, Luc set to work on a pictorial representation of his bests and favorites. The foods were easy, lentils and mac and cheese (not served together!). He drew little brown dots for the lentils and used the gold glitter glue for the mac and cheese. The favorite book and movie caused some angst as he had a very hard time picking just one each. He finally settled on "Puppy Love" as his book, represented by a very nicely drawn dog, and "Charlie Brown Christmas" as his movie, represented by a big pile of silver glitter glue. A nice family portrait completed the requirements. He added stickers and more glitter glue before declaring himself satisfied.
I highly approve of all the sparkly goodness! Great job, Luc!
I love this Froggy every week, but this week he is fabulous!
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