Highlights since the last post (OK, sometime last summer) include a trip to Spain to see Mica and Avi, starting the second year of preschool, being a ring bearer in Auntie Sarah and Auntie Dan's wedding, Mica and Avi visiting for Christmas, and developing a serious interest in dinosaurs. His favorite word right now is "babyhead" followed closely by "cukcoo". Sometimes he goes for "Cukcoo on the Babyhead" for double word score.
Recent conversation with Luc regarding giving blood:
Luc: How do they get the blood out?
M&D: Reasonable explanation including needles.
Luc: Oh. Thinks for a minute. But how do they get it back in? You body is CLOSED.
M&D. Good point. Reasonable explanation including needles.
Luc: Why do people need blood?
M&D: Reasonable explanation including big owies, etc.
Luc: Hmmm. OK. But what happens to me since I gave my blood.
D: It's OK to give your blood. Your body makes more.
Luc: Looking suspicious. I do not make blood! I am BUSY all day! I go to school, I play, I don't make blood.
D: Sure you do. You do it in your bones.
Luc: Now shocked and downright peeved. There is nobody in my bones to make blood! I am too busy to make blood!
D: You just do it without thinking about it. Like breathing. You don't think about breathing, you just do it.
Luc: Immediately holds breath to test theory.
We are currently looking forward to a trip to Phoenix in March and Luc's 5th birthday coming up in May.
We are so excited to read you blog again.
Hope you are being a good boy.
Can't wait to see you in March.
Lizzy, Jack and Baby Lucy
PS- say hi to your Mom & Dad for us
I see a couple of winning smiles in there. Good job Luc!
I remember when your favorite word was google.
We should go to the park soon.
Aunt Shanley
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