What do these simple words have in common? Why, these would be Luc’s first attempts at verbal communication. While “no” is standard toddler speak (he hears it pretty often, bound to sink in eventually), ball and dog pay homage to his two most favorite things in life. He loves them so much that they are often blurred in to one word, “dal”. That he is usually pointing at the object of his affection at the time helps clear up the confusion; however he nearly came unglued the day he saw a dog playing with a ball at the dog park. Luc was fairly certain he had entered Nirvana, dogs and balls together! While he reserves “dog” for man’s best friend, the word ball is liberally applied to anything round. Balloons and watermelons come to mind. Grocery shopping has become particularly difficult this watermelon season. He spies the display of watermelons from the parking lot. He inhales sharply, points and says, “Ooooooooooo, ball.” Having thus notified me, if I attempt to pass up the “balls” without picking one, I risk inciting the wrath of Booger Gigglebuns. If I pick a watermelon and put in on the seat next to him, we have a fairly peaceful shopping experience. He sits in the cart happily thumping his “ball.” Needless to say, we are eating a lot of watermelon this summer. I’ve given up explaining that watermelons aren’t, in fact, balls. I am just grateful that he hasn’t tried to throw one yet.
Making Friends and Influencing People
People, especially older people, love Luc. We can’t leave the house without someone tweaking his toes and trying to cajole a smile out of him. Luc seems to sense kindred spirits and flirts like mad with the little old ladies. Sometimes I think playing with Luc must be the highlight of their days. Luc recently took his first trolley ride and made instant friends will a little old man who knew everyone on the trolley. Luc and his trolley friend entertained each other the entire way to our destination. Luc’s new friend delighted in Luc’s fascination with the trolley and pointed out new sights for him to enjoy. As we said goodbye, Luc waved to his new friend and blew him a kiss. I’d like to think that 20 minute ride brightened the day of a little old man who spends his days riding trolleys and I hope that one day my son eventually realizes what a profound effect he can have on people around him.
Play Ball!
Shawn works for a really great company, Genentech. Aside from the fantastic cancer fighting drugs they produce, they also take excellent care of their employees. Genentech sponsored the “Strike Out Cancer” game at Petco Park and tied the event to their company picnic. We were invited to attend a pre-game barbecue at the Park at the Park and then stay for the Padres game. Luc loved the barbeque, especially the watermelon and the cookies. We climbed what seemed to be a vertical mile to our seats and settled in for the first pitch. Luc was fascinated by the giant flag that was stretched out for the national anthem and joined right in the clapping afterward. The excitement went downhill after that. Luc settled in for a nap and when he woke up, we decided it was too hot to stay any longer. We hopped back on the trolley and headed for home.
Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
Luc has learned how to walk! Shawn dropped Luc off at my office last Friday. As Luc was making the rounds, visiting the ladies of the office, Richelle decided that it was about time he learned how to walk. She took him for a little while and gave him some pointers. When she returned Luc to me, she set him on his feet a few feet in front of me and told him to walk toward me. He got his balance, looked up and me and took five steps toward me. He was extremely please with himself, as were we. This week, we praise Richelle’s name. Next week, we will be cursing it, I am sure. Nothing is safe…
Oh, I missed it! Loving the blog!
this blog is sooo cute. you should write children's stories.
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